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3 Common Resolutions Made at New Year’s

With a new year just around the corner, many people will resolve themselves to make changes for the better. From losing weight to being a better person, and everything in between, the start of a new year can be the beginning of a new you. Here are some of the most common resolutions made on January 1st every year.

  1. Get in shape — Whether it means losing weight, changing your eating habits, or exercising regularly, most people vow to work on themselves in the new year. Health and wellness are top priorities for most Americans. Set yourself up for success with manageable goals and realistic expectations and get on board with a partner to keep yourself accountable. 
  2. Enjoy life to the fullest — Spending more time with family, trying something new, or traveling the world are just a few things we want more of in the new year. As you think about this goal, decide on clear ways to make it happen. Work less, put dates in your calendar and stick to them, save for a trip or join a sport you've always loved. Ask yourself, "What can I reasonably change in my life to make it better?"
  3. Save more, spend less — Financial goals are often on the list of popular resolutions. If you need to feel more secure about your financial future, devise a budget. Eating at home, planning activities that don't cost money, and consolidating bills are all ways to save a little extra each month. You may also find that by doing this, it will help with the first two resolutions!

Before this year comes to a close, think about your goals for the new year. Put some thought into what you can realistically change or accomplish that will make you happier. Post your goals in a place where you can see them often and plan for success.