Customer Story: Judy Gibson

Judy Gibson is an 80-year-young woman that has had numerous jobs in her lifetime, each one she adored. Judy said she would still be working if not for the fact she had to move and then decided to quit working at age 73. Like most people her age she began to have pain and swelling in her knees. Judy said when the doctor x-rayed her knees, he did not see any arthritis, but suspected her bone spurs were causing her knee pain. 

Rather than have surgery to rid her of the bone spurs, her daughter recommended she try Milkweed Balm, an all-natural product that is made from the oil of the milkweed seeds. Milkweed Balm has anti-inflammatory properties and aids in many types of pain. When Judy’s daughter introduced her to the product, she said, “Here Mom, I think you will like this, (the Milkweed Balm) and it will help with your pain”.

Judy started using Milkweed Balm for her knees and has been using the product for three years now. The pain has been relieved, and she uses the “Anytime” option that is unscented. Judy has since started using it for wrist pain as well. Judy has 3 children and 6 great-children, and they all are planning on incorporating milkweed from seeds into Judy’s gardening space this year. The milkweed plant is the sole food for the monarch caterpillars. Judy wants to help the butterflies find their food source so they can make their long journey to and from Mexico when the weather changes.