Customer Uses Milkweed Balm for Pain Relief

Renee Mallette-Cota has been using Milkweed Balm cream to treat the neuropathy pain in her hands resulting from chemotherapy treatments. Prior to discovering Milkweed Balm, Mallette-Cota tried a number of prescription medications that left her feeling drowsy, dazed and hopeless.
“I was afraid I was going to have to stop working because I work at a computer all day and do a lot of typing,” Mallette-Cota said. “The pains in my hands were so intense that there would be times I would be typing and not realize I was crying until my papers were getting splattered.”
After seeing a post on the Pink Ribbon Site on Facebook, Mallette-Cota decided to order her first sample of Milkweed Balm. “I felt some relief from the sensory pain about 10 minutes after applying Milkweed Balm the first time,” she said. “I have been using it faithfully, and the relief seems to be cumulative because the sensory pain is down from mildly irritating immediately after a treatment, to non-existent days after my treatment.”
Milkweed Balm has restored Mallette-Cota’s hope. “It is like a miracle to me. I thought I was going to have this pain for the rest of my life because one of the side effects of the therapy I’m receiving is irreversible nerve pain. Milkweed Balm has given me a new outlook because it has greatly restored my quality of life.”