Headache vs. Migraine

How can you tell if the pain you are feeling in your head is an ordinary headache or a migraine? Recognizing a migraine and its differences from a traditional headache is helpful in getting quicker relief and preventing it from happening in the future.
Headaches can range from mild to moderate and typically cause pressure and aching in both sides of your head. They often occur in the forehead, temples and back of the neck. A headache can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several days. The most common headache is a tension headache, which is caused by muscle contractions in the head and neck regions. Triggers include stress and anxiety.
Other unpleasant headaches include sinus and cluster headaches. Sinus headaches occur with sinus infection symptoms such as fever, congestion and facial pressure. Cluster headaches occur on one side of the head, but aren’t as severe as migraines. A runny nose, watery eyes and nasal congestion may accompany them.
Migraine headaches are intense or severe and typically have accompanying symptoms which include nausea, sensitivity to light, visual disturbances, and pain behind the eye or ear. Migraines typically affect one side of the head and interfere with normal functioning. Some people experience warning signs of an impending migraine that can be soothed naturally with Milkweed Balm, changes to diet and a reduction of stress.
Headache and migraine sufferers may find relief with Milkweed Balm. By massaging it onto your temples or at the headache site, Milkweed Balm soothes the temporal muscles. Next time you start to feel the twinge, get ahead of the headache with Milkweed Balm