Living With Restless Leg Syndrome

If you have an uncontrollable urge to move your legs because of an uncomfortable sensation, you may have Restless Leg Syndrome. RLS typically happens in the evening or during the night when you're sitting or lying down. It can begin at any age and generally worsens as you age. Unfortunately, RLS can disrupt sleep and interfere with daily activities. Luckily, there are a few simple self-care steps and lifestyle changes you can make to help combat your symptoms.
Many people that suffer from RLS find that the sensations lessen with movement, such as stretching, jiggling your legs, pacing, and walking. If you notice that you've been sitting for an extended period of time, it's a good idea to get up and move around. Although symptoms can fluctuate in severity, those afflicted, often describe the sensation as crawling, creeping, pulling, throbbing, aching, and itching. Often times, the sensations are difficult to explain, but the majority feel a strong desire to move their legs.
Sometimes RLS accompanies other chronic conditions such as peripheral neuropathy, iron deficiency, kidney failure, and spinal cord conditions. Although RLS doesn't lead to more serious conditions, it can affect a person's quality of life and sometimes result in depression. 
If you are diagnosed with RLS by your physician, there are some treatments available that may reduce the restlessness in your legs. From medications that reduce dopamine in the brain and drugs that affect calcium channels, to muscle relaxants and sleep medications, there are several options for relief. For a natural remedy, Milkweed Balm can be applied to your legs to help soothe the discomfort. Milkweed Balm is filled with Omega 7 fatty acids, anti-inflammatory agents, antioxidants, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium and zinc. In addition, exercise, massage, warm baths, and practicing good sleep hygiene can help combat the symptoms of RLS. Since RLS is typically a life-long condition, it's important to develop coping strategies such as telling others about your condition, keeping a sleep diary, and seeking help when needed.