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What is a Tension Headache?

Most of us have probably experienced a mild or moderate pain that feels like a tight band around our head. This type of headache is called a tension headache, and it's the most common type for adults. Also called stress headaches, they can be episodic or chronic, lasting for minutes or days. Those that suffer can typically go about daily activities but are often uncomfortable and distracted. 

Episodic tension headaches are usually triggered by a stressful situation or an accumulation of stress and can happen a few times a month, sometimes more. Some people get them because of tightened muscles in the back of the neck caused by not getting enough rest, stress, anxiety, and fatigue. Chronic tension headaches come and go over a long period of time and happen more frequently.

Some symptoms of tension headaches include mild to moderate pain or pressure in the front, top, or sides of the head, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, aching muscles, irritability, and trouble focusing. Unlike migraines, tension headaches don't typically cause nausea and vomiting or muscle weakness. Nonetheless, tension headaches can impact the quality of your day and your happiness, so you need to manage them.  

Aside from over-the-counter pain medication, there are other ways you can get a handle on your pain. First, you can learn to manage your stress and practice relaxation techniques to prevent tension headaches in the first place. If you start to notice symptoms, massage Milkweed Balm on the temporal muscles. Repeat the application of Milkweed Balm throughout the day to soothe any lingering aches. Additionally, home remedies like a warm bath and ice packs can also reduce symptoms.