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Got Milkweed?

Got Milkweed?? 
You are part of the solution! Monarch Flyway creates a symbiotic relationship between Monarch habitat and people by generating and supporting the development of products from sustainably harvested, wild crafted milkweed raw materials. Milkweed Balm is part of that mission.

In order to craft Milkweed Balm we need: Milkweed Pods. All our pods are wild-crafted and hand harvested throughout the United States. We create a symbiotic relationship between nature and humans by encouraging people to provide money for their families through protecting wild milkweed stands and harvesting pods. Our business is growing, and with that, we need more milkweed pods than ever. Modeled after the wild collection effort mounted in World War II, we supply "collection points" with onion bags and independent "pickers" go out and pick pods. We look for organized, self-motivated people who are well connected in their community to head the effort in their area.
The pod picking window is only 4-6 weeks so it is a lot of work in a short amount of time. Monarch Flyway pays for bags and shipping to our processing plant in Ogallala, Nebraska.  Currently, we host collection points in NE, WI, NY, ME, PA, MO, CO, NJ and WY.  If you live in the United States, you are ON the Monarch Flyway.  Monarchs need milkweed to make their migration every year.

If you have large milkweed stands near you, contact us.  We want to grow our team!